Good Morning Councils,

Attached is a document which we hope will be very useful for Councils at all stages of civic engagement development. The document is a worksheet with fundamental questions that will guide you along the three key steps of creating any civic engagement program:

1. Focus of Program & Internal Assessment

2. Community Outreach & Assessment

3. The Plan

We will talk more in depth about this worksheet at the end of our call this afternoon, so please feel free to bring up any questions you have during that time. Have a great day and we look forward to talking with you later today. Here’s the call-in info:

CEI - All Council Conference Call
Wednesday, March 25th, 2:00 - 3:00 PM (ET)
Call In Number: 1-866-906-0123
Code: 8582690


Donna & Cornell

Cornell M. Woolridge, M.S. EPP
Twitter: @CivicSolve
"Building better communities through civic engagement"